What an as*hole

"Uh ..." Carolina suddenly woke up and felt pain in her head.

"Ha ..." Carolina suddenly startled when she realized she was not wearing clothes, she looked around and found a red haired man sleeping beside her. The man was also wearing nothing on his upper body, for the lower part Carolina could conclude the man was wearing nothing too, even though the lower part of the man was covered with a blanket.

Suddenly the memory of what they did last night flashed through Carolina's mind, how the man started on top of her, kissed her, and finally did it.

"Ahhh…. d*mn it! f*ck! Sh*t!" Carolina suddenly started cursing and banging her head. She didn't expect that her first experience would be like this.

Feeling noisy, Ethan starts to wake up and sees the woman he spent the night with starting to swear and beat herself on the head. When the woman's head turned to look at him, Ethan closed his eyes again.

"Is she regret it? But considering what happened last night, she really enjoyed it! Better just pretend to sleep first, it is really awkward!" Ethan thought finally.

After satisfied with swearing and hitting herself, Carolina looked at Ethan.

"Who is this man? Why is his hair red like an apple?" said Carolina who watched the man sleeping beside her.

"Ahh… d*mn it! I suddenly feel like I'm in a fairy tale, huh?! A princess whose life was ruined by eating the red apple that the witch offered to offer!" said Carolina suddenly remembering the fairy tale that had been told by her father. The man's hair color suddenly reminded her of a red apple.

"Huh, never mind, it already happened too. I'm better to take a shower first and then go down, before this red apple wakes up," after calming herself, Carolina then walked to the bathroom to clean herself.

Ethan, who was sure that Carolina had gone into the bathroom, opened his eyes,

"Who is that woman? So she means sleeping with me is a disaster?! Hah?! Even though you also enjoy it! After all, what kind of princess swears like that!" Ethan suddenly felt offended.

If that woman didn't like him from the start, why would she want to be paid to enter my room? Then after enjoying it last night, she suddenly felt that sleeping with me was a disaster?

How much money did she receive from Agung?!

The silence in the room went back to making Ethan wonder.

"Doesn't that woman want to take a bath? But why I can't hear the sound of water," Ethan thought. Neither the shower nor the bathtub seemed to have been turned on.

"Sob ... Sob ..." suddenly Ethan began to hear a woman's crying voice, at first he thought he was just imagining it, but over time the sound of crying became clearer and came from inside the bathroom.

"She was crying," Ethan suddenly paused and tried to remember what happened last night, "Was I being too rough to her? Is she crying because of me?" guilt began to engulf Ethan.

He wanted to get up quickly, go into the bathroom, and hug her. Apologize for the things that may have hurt her without Ethan knowing it.

But Ethan held himself back, maybe he was the last person she wanted to see right now. So Ethan just stayed in bed and heard the woman's cry.

After calming down, Carolina finally started to take a shower under shower. She rinsed vigorously her body which felt as if it had become dirty.

She may not be a religious woman, but at least she has her own fantasies about how her first night with the man who has become her husband, the man she loves. Not doing it with a guy she doesn't even know!

"Yes! That's it! Clean your body! Just cry to your heart's content! For just this time! After all, everything had already happened! It's useless if you want to regret it either," thought Carolina as she tried to calm her emotions under the cold water that started to wet her body.

"Who exactly is that woman?" Ethan said when Carolina had come out of his room, he got up and took his cellphone which was in the living room to check the current time.


There is a message from Agung.

[Good morning, Mr. Ethan. Where are you going to have breakfast this morning?]

Ethan immediately replied to the message.

[Let's have breakfast at the hotel, find a seat in the corner]

After replying to the message, Ethan headed straight to the bathroom, but suddenly something on the bed caught his eye.

"What is that?" he thought as he getting closer.

"Red? Is that… blood? Could it be…" said Ethan, who did not continue his words. He remembered that there was no red stain when he first entered this hotel room. But now there is a red stain on the bedsheet.

"Was last night the woman's first experience?" Ethan thought. Suddenly guilt enveloped him.

Did he just snatch away something really important to that woman?

But suddenly Ethan shook his head.

"Forget it, Ethan. She's an escort woman after all," he thought to reduce his guilt.


"Well, there is Carol," said Clara when she saw Carolina eating at the hotel restaurant. Andrew had previously ordered a room and breakfast for the six of them.

Carolina, who was enjoying her breakfast, only smiled when she looked at Clara, Vera, Riko, and Andrew who were approaching her.

"Why aren't you waiting for us! So we can go down together!" said Clara while sitting in one of the chairs.

Carolina just stared at them with a confused look before finally smiling, "Sorry, Ra. I'm really hungry!"

Andrew just looked at Carolina with a suspicious gaze, didn't that woman not come back from the room last night? But why is she wearing other clothes at this time?

After leaving Ethan's room, Carolina was immediately looking for a clothing store to change her clothes. It could be bad if she meets her friends again but she still wearing the clothes that Clara lent her.

Lucky! In the hotel, there is a clothing store that accepts cashless payments. All she needed to do was scan the barcode from the shop on her cellphone, and the payment was done!

Not to forget she told the store clerk to leave her clothes first because she was going to have breakfast, so at this time Clara's clothes were in the shop.

If Clara asked for her clothes? She could reason that she would wash it first before giving it back!

"Come on, ndre! Let's take the food first!" called Vera when Andrew just sat silently at the table.

"Ah, yes," said Andrew, who then followed his friends.

Carolina watched her friends leave and thought back to what happened last night.

She was one hundred percent sure that the drink she ordered last night had something in it.

But who put it?

Was it Vera who hated her? But it seemed impossible because the woman was only briefly at their table.

Riko and Clara also did not put on the list of people she was suspicious of.

Or maybe Dion? The man who ordered her drinks. She clearly remembered that it was Dion who ordered the drink she ordered.

Or could it be Andrew? Andrew had many chances to put something in her drink because the man was sitting across from her. He can also do it when Dion invites her to take pictures.

Yes! Andrew must have done it!

"Did he do that because I rejected him?" thought Carolina.

After thinking about it again, Andrew also insisted on taking her to the toilet. He also insisted on waiting for her in front of the toilet.

Only Vera and Andrew had a motive for doing this to her! But Vera is no longer on the list of people she is suspicious of.

Then the culprit is definitely Andrew!

"He did this because I rejected him?" thought Carolina suddenly angry!

Carolina tries to think about it one more time, but she does not have anyone on the list of suspects anymore!

The suspect is definitely her friends! Why did an outsider put something in her drink?

Yes, it is definitely Andrew!

He also has a motive!

Wow! What an as*hole!