I am Home

"I'll go first!" said Carolina when she finished her meal. She didn't even wait for her friends' response and headed straight back to the room.

After finding out that Andrew had done that to her, Carolina felt sick of sitting around with him for a long time, moreover, she had to keep smiling to maintain the image she had created during college.

A woman who is always smiling, kind, and never angry.

Carolina actually felt tired, but she was afraid that the same incident would happen again.

Meanwhile, Ethan, who had been watching the woman, could only smile.

"Looks like she can't stand it anymore," Ethan thought.

20 minutes! The woman held it for 20 minutes!

"Mr. Ethan," called Agung suddenly. Ethan, who was deep in thought, turned his head.

"After this, Mr. Ethan want to take a walk or go back to the room?" asked Agung. If the boss wanted to go out, he had already prepared a trip that might suit the boy's tastes.

"We're not going straight to the airport, are we?" Ethan asked.

"Ehem, at that time I told you that our flight to Jakarta will be 7 pm," said Agung, who deliberately arranged the flight like that because he thought his boss wanted to travel in Bali before finally returning home.

"I don't need to travel. Just go forward the flight, look for the one before 12 noon so that we don't get charged when we check out of the hotel."

" O-OK Mr. Ethan, I'll do it soon," said Agung.

"Will I be judged incompetent, huh? I hope not!" thought Agung and immediately searched for the fastest flight.

"Mr. Ethan, I have advanced the flight to 11:30," said Agung.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you in 30 minutes in the lobby,!" said Ethan after looking at the clock on his cellphone screen.


"Hey! Have you been back?" said Dion when Carolina entered the hotel room.

"Ah, no! It's just me, the others are still eating," said Carolina and immediately fell on the bed.

"Are you alright?" asked Dion.

"Hah? Yes, I'm fine! Why?" asked Carolina with a smile.

Dion just shook his head and continued wearing his watch.

"Oh yeah Di, I'm sorry, but I think I'm too lazy for a walk, hehe."

"Okay, just go rest, then," said Dion with a smile before finally leaving the room. He doesn't know what happened to the woman last night, but he hopes Carolina just needs rest because she didn't sleep on the bed.

"Thanks," said Carolina and began to close her eyes.


"Hmm… the documents are done, the dirty clothes are done, I think that's all. Oh yeah, what about that woman's necklace?" thought Ethan as he was tidying his things.

"Maybe I'll just bring it? Besides, I still wonder who she is. It's clear that she's not a female escort, she doesn't seem like a fan of mine either. Did she just happen to walk into my room, huh?"

"I'll just bring it. If indeed we are destined to meet, we will definitely meet again!" Ethan finally said before deciding to put the necklace in the bag he was carrying.


Carolina tried to find a comfortable sleeping position, but no matter how she tried to fall asleep, she still couldn't sleep.

She didn't think Andrew would put drugs in her drink. If she doesn't go into the other room, Andrew might just steal her first experience.

"Sigh ... I don't know anymore, should I be grateful or not for doing it with that red apple, but I think he's playing pretty rough, here is my neck until there is a mark like this," Carolina thought, then fumbling for the marks left by Ethan. on her neck. There were a few other marks that Ethan had left on her body too, but Carolina was able to cover them up, the problem right now was the one on her neck!

"Ne-Necklace! Where is my necklace!" Carolina suddenly panicked when she couldn't feel the necklace she was wearing. She still remembers that she wore the necklace in the shower this morning.

"D*mn it! I left it in the sink in the red apple's room! Hopefully, he's still in his room!" Carolina immediately got up and came out of the room.

If it weren't for the necklace her dad gave her, Carolina probably wouldn't have bothered to meet up that red apple.

"Knock ... knock ... knock ..." No matter how many times Carolina knocked on the door, there was no reply from the people inside.

"Is he still sleeping, huh?" Carolina thought and tried to open the door, but it was locked instead.

"Carol!" suddenly someone called her. Carolina immediately turned her head and saw Clara and Riko who were approaching.

"What are you doing in front of the room?" asked Riko.

"Ah, no, where are the others?" Carolina asked, trying to change the subject.

"I think Andrew and Vera are taking a walk. Dion is still eating. By the way, we want to swim in the hotel pool, do you want to come?" asked Clara.

Hearing this, suddenly Riko looked at Carolina and started shaking his head, like giving a sign not to accept Clara's invitation.

Carolina just smiled and almost laughed when she saw that, "I'll pass, have fun, OK! I just want to go downstairs first, I'll just remember it's not good if after eating then go straight to sleep, as well as help the digestive process," said Carolina.

Clara and Riko just nodded before entering the room.

"Anyway, this time there's no more reason! You have to use the bikini!" said Riko who was still heard by Carolina. Carolina just chuckled at that. But she suddenly fell silent again.

"The door to his room was locked, meaning he was awake. Could it be that you already checked out, huh?" thought Carolina. She finally decided to ask the receptionist before finally picking up Clara's clothes that she had left at the clothing store.


"The guest staying in that room has already checked out," replied the receptionist with a smile.

"Has the room been cleaned? Is there a necklace left out?" asked Carolina.

The receptionist looked back at the computer screen in front of him before saying,

"The room has been cleaned and nothing is left out,"

"Oh okay, thanks," Carolina replied.

"At this time he has checked out, it means he has to go somewhere. Ah sh*t! If only I had bought a new cellphone, I could give Yui an order to check who was staying in that room!" thought Carolina. Either way, she must find the necklace that her father gave her!


"Ethan ... Mr. Ethan ..." called Agung when they had arrived at their destination.

"Eng ... are we there yet?" Ethan asked when he woke up. Currently he is in the car that had been prepared by Agung as soon as they landed at the airport.

Ethan, not knowing how far away his parent's house was from the airport, decided to stay awake during the trip, but when an hour had passed. He finally fell asleep.

"Eh? Ah yes, we've arrived," replied Agung who was a little surprised because Ethan suddenly spoke in Indonesian but Agung decided to continue speaking in English.

"It's okay, I can use Indonesian! Oh yeah, what time do I have to come tomorrow to the office?" asked Ethan, still sitting in the car.

"Ahem, NamTech at 8.01 is quite late,"

"It must be a rule from mama," thought Ethan.

"Very well, then see you at the office. Oh right," Ethan was just about to come out of the car when he suddenly remembered something.

"Thank you, for spending your weekend with me. You did a good job! Keep it up! Later added to overtime pay, yes! Be careful!" said Ethan with a smile.

Agung was silent when he heard that. He already knew that he would be paid overtime when he picked up his new boss. But he did not think that the kid would thank him.

"Alright! Thank you! See you tomorrow!" said Agung with a smile.

Ethan looked up at the white, two-story mansion in front of him.

Suddenly a feeling of nostalgia came over Ethan. The front interior of his house is still the same, even though 8 years have passed since Ethan left his house for his dream.

This is the first time Ethan has returned in 8 years.

Usually, during Christmas and New Year they always spend time in China, with his mother's family, or sometimes they spend it in South Korea with his father's family.

Ethan took a deep breath and then exhale it, his heart pounding with joy starting to envelop him.

"I am home!" said Ethan before finally press the doorbell at his house.