Business Idea

Carolina finally remembered that in the top comment of the post, there was an offer if anyone was curious, they could dm the account. Carolina had no idea that the point of the comment was an unblurred photo!

"Ahem," Clara said again when Carolina just stared at the cellphone screen, "So I'm here to ask you for help," he continued.


Don't say…

"What Ra? If I can help, I'll definitely help you," answered Carolina, who seemed to have guessed what help Clara wanted.

"Can you get Ethan oppa's autograph, can't you? A photo of Ethan holding the paper he signed to make sure, or just a normal autograph is enough, you don't need my name, can you do that, Carol?" said Clara half pleading. She has followed and idolized Ethan since 2 years ago when Ethan was still in the Colors group.

So when she got to know her idol this close, Clara couldn't help but want to see her in person, but since her chances of meeting Ethan were few, she could be content with just his autograph.

"I'll try, Ra, but I can't promise," Carolina replied, more gently than the others.

Clara was a little disappointed when she heard that, but she also tried to understand, "Well, we'll excuse ourselves, okay?" Clara replied. Carolina nodded and ushered them in front of the gate of her boarding house.

After dropping off Clara, Carolina returned to her room to turn on the laptop with Yui on it.

While waiting for her laptop to turn on, a thought crossed Carolina's mind.

"Hmm… if I sell the red apple's autograph, will it work?" thought Carolina. Today she has met five women who are her junior, eight from the economics faculty, and Clara and one of her friends. The total number of women he met to ask about Ethan was 15 people.

If she has Ethan's autograph and sells it for 100 thousand rupiah to those 15 people. She can get 1 million 500 thousand rupiah!

"This seems like a promising business idea! I guess I have to ask for the red apple's autograph and I'll sell it directly, or just sell it online," thought Carolina again.

After seeing that her laptop had been successfully turned on, Carolina immediately put aside the thought of selling the autograph business, there was something urgent she had to do.

"Hello Yui, mama's here," Carolina called out again, using the password to activate Yui.

Suddenly a little elf girl character with wings on her back appeared from beside her laptop screen and said, "Welcome, mama. How was your day?" replied Yui, the artificial intelligence created by Carolina.

"Try to find out how the response, ah no, search for posts, photos, or anything else with the keywords Nam Ethan, Ethan Nam, Ethan oppa, oppa Ethan, NamTech," Carolina ordered. She originally wanted to find out how NamTech would react to this, but she quickly threw the thought away.

She decided to quickly get rid of it all no matter how NamTech responded.

It's not even been 24 hours since the first post appeared, her life is no longer in peace, both on campus, campus food court, even the boarding house!

What if the news takes too long to be posted and seen by many people?

Will they chase her all the way to her boarding house?

Carolina shuddered at the thought. She wanted to be alone, she didn't want to be disturbed.

If the post was going to disturb her peace, then she had to get rid of it!


"Here's the money, sir, just take the change," said Agung when he arrived at the NamTech office and gave the money to the online driver he ordered.

After dropping Ethan off at the airport, he drives the car that Ethan took to Mr. Nam's house to take the car home, as well as giving news about their son who seems to have fled back to South Korea.

"Eh, why is it so crowded?" thought Agung who got out of the car and saw several women gathered in front of their office, there even seemed to be some reporters looking at him when he got out of the car.

As soon as they saw that the one who got out of the car was not the person they were waiting for, they immediately averted their eyes from Agung.

Agung was a little confused and asked the security guard who was guarding the door.

"Good morning, sir. Why is it so crowded?" he asked.

"Morning, Mr. Agung, I don't know, sir, many people have come here. The chairs in the lobby are also full," replied the security guard. He had been trained to treat anyone who came into the office in a friendly manner, so when he saw several young women coming and sitting in the lobby of their office, he just let it go because he thought maybe they needed to come to the office.

"Ah well, good work, sir!" Agung replied encouraging the security guard.

"Yes sir, good morning spirit!" replied the security guard.

Agung then stepped inside and was surprised, all the seats in the lobby which amounted to about 20 seats were already filled, some even stood leaning on their seats.

"What is going on today? Did the marketing team do a good job of bringing in more customers?" thought Agung. If everyone who came was intending to use their company's services, then the marketing team really did a great job.

Again Agung saw that the people were watching him as he entered but soon turned their attention back.

"Good morning. Why is it so crowded? Who do they have an appointment with?" said Agung at the receptionist who was there.

"Morning, Mr. Agung, they said they had an appointment with Mr. Ethan. At first, I thought that Mr. Ethan they meant Mr. Ethan from the HRD team, coincidentally Mr. Ethan had already arrived at the office, but after Mr. Ethan came to see them, they said that was not it. They then pointed to a photo of the red-haired man and said they were looking for the man," the receptionist replied.

"After seeing it, isn't that the guy who came yesterday huh? Is he the youngest son of Mr. Nam who came to lead the company temporarily?" asked the receptionist again who overheard the conversation of the people in the lobby.

"Ah, it's just a rumor! For now, don't say anything!" rebuke Agung. The receptionist just nodded, but she already realized that the news was true and was asked not to say anything.

Agung then resumed his steps to his work desk on the 6th floor, but after arriving on the 6th floor, Agung was surprised to see the public relations manager sitting waiting in the living room on the 6th floor.

"Finally someone came," said a woman who was about the same age as Agung was sitting in the living room. She then walked over to Agung.

"Agung! You are really! Important information like this and you didn't tell me!" said the woman who was a college friend with Agung.

"What information?" asked Agung confused then walked to his desk.

"You don't know or you are pretending not to know?!" spray the woman.

Agung just looked at her in confusion.

The woman who felt that Agung really didn't know, sighed before continuing, "Ethan Nam. Our new CEO. The youngest child of Mr. Nam and Mrs. Wang. A famous actor in South Korea." the woman explained by pressing a few words.

"Hah? Are you kidding me?" asked Agung confused.

"You're kidding!" said the woman, then took out her cellphone, typed something, and showed the screen of her cellphone to Agung.

"This is our new CEO, right?" she asked showing Ethan's photo.

Agung saw the photo and was shocked. It was the Ethan he knew. So the child was not an eccentric child who dyed his hair red. Turns out he was an actor.

"So where's our new CEO? It's already past 8 how come he hasn't come yet?" the woman asked again.

"Ah, he returned to South Korea last night," Agung replied casually.

"What?! Even though this is a good opportunity to publicize our company!" the woman said in disbelief and then paused to think about the idea of ​​their press release.

"Forget about that idea of ​​yours. Didn't I tell you yesterday not to issue a press release according to the boy's request?" asked Agung, reminding her again.

"Forget it you a*s! You don't know what mess that happened since last night, right? I even came to the office at dawn!" spray the woman again.

Agung sat at his desk and looked at her with a confused look. Seeing Agung who was confused, the woman again typed something on her cellphone and showed it to Agung.

"Here look! The name of the company entered the trending topic including the name of the interim CEO! Can you imagine the chaos in our department now?" said the woman.

Agung was silent when he saw the name NamTech enter the trending topic in social media.

Was Ethan really that popular?

But seeing that his name and NamTech's name have entered a trending topic, Agung doesn't need to answer the question earlier.

Does that mean the people below are Ethan's fans?

If that's the case.. this is bad!