Let's Eat Together

"Ethan! Someone's looking for you from your agency," Ethan, who was sitting reading the script for his scene this afternoon, turned to the crew who told him this.

The shooting location for My Wife's Man isn't public, so not just anyone can enter it, if anyone wants to come in, they need to report it first.

Mi Sun, who is always beside Ethan frowns, if someone from their agency needs something from Ethan, they can contact Ethan or herself, who is Ethan's manager.

"Did the person from the agency call you?" Mi Sun asked when Ethan had put down the script he was holding and was ready to stand up, approaching the person.

"Ah," Ethan scratched the back of his head that didn't itch and smiled awkwardly, "I left my cellphone in the car,"

"How many times has noona told you not to leave your cellphone in the car!" Mi Sun warns him again.

"Yes, yes! I will never do it again! After all, they can call noona if I don't pick up the phone," Ethan said again.

"Sigh… next time don't forget again! Let's go meet that person, noona is curious who came to see you," said Mi Sun.

Ethan and Mi Sun finally go together to see who's coming to see Ethan, but both are surprised to meet a woman who smiles at him.

"Oppa," the woman said, waving her hand.

The security crew holding the woman saw the woman's wave, and after Ethan nodded, the staff left them.

"Ara, what's wrong?" Ethan asked, approaching the woman.

"I just happened to pass by here and remember that oppa's shooting location was around here, so I stopped by," said Ara.

"Oh dear, it's still early in the morning, and I already hear nonsense," replied Mi Sun who heard Ara's excuse. Mi Sun can see that the woman came here on purpose.

Ara just glanced at Mi Sun and ignored her, "Oppa, have you had lunch? Let's eat together," said Ara.

Ethan looks at Mi Sun as if giving a warning, he thought that Ara was being casual when she said that, but she didn't look like she was lying, so maybe she just happened to be on business here.

"Sorry Ara, but I have to stand by onset until the evening," Ethan refused.

Ara puffed her cheeks, pretending to be sulky.

"Then, Oppa must accompany me all day tomorrow," she said again.

Ethan wanted to refuse, because the last time he went out with Ara, she drove him to a club with a butler who only wore shorts, she even wanted him to dress like that.

But when he saw Ara, who seemed to be begging him, Ethan couldn't help it.

"Tomorrow Ethan is busy," Mi Sun replied suddenly before Ethan opened his mouth.

Ara looks at Mi Sun with disapproval, "Ahjumma*, don't lie to me! I already know that Ethan Oppa's schedule is open tomorrow!"

(*married woman, or middle-aged woman)

"Ahjumma? Are you farsighted? Do you want me to take you to the eye doctor? I'm still young you know! Besides I'm not lying, tomorrow is Ethan's uncle's birthday and Ethan has promised to attend, the event is for the fa.mi.ly only!" said Mi Sun, deliberately enunciating the last word.

Ethan looks at Mi Sun, as he remembers tomorrow is not Mi Sun's father's birthday.

"Is Mi Sun noona deliberately lying?" thought Ethan.

"Is that so, oppa?" Ara asked Ethan.

Before Ethan could even open his mouth, Mi Sun spoke over him.

"Whoa! You don't believe me? Do you think I'm lying?! This kid doesn't know manners, huh!

"Ahjumma! I'm talking to Ethan Oppa! You've been talking all this time, can you be quiet?!" asked Ara who was starting to get annoyed because Mi Sun kept interrupting their conversation. She is here because she wanted to talk to Ethan Oppa, why does this ahjumma keep bothering them?!

"Why?! These are my lips! It's up to me to speak or not! If you don't like it, then go!" Mi Sun stated. After finding out that the woman continued to cling to Ethan, and even possibly being the reason why Ethan didn't get the job after winning the Best New Actor award, there's no reason for Mi Sun to be nice to her.

"Ah, here you are, Ethan, the director is looking for you," said a man who came up to them. Ethan knew him, he was one of the crew. Ethan could only breathe a sigh of relief and looked at the crew gratefully. If their argument continued, Ethan didn't know what would've happened.

Moreover, Mi Sun is straightforward, good at swearing, and doesn't like losing. He worries that Mi Sun will get into trouble if she continues to speak harshly to Ara, who is the daughter of one of his agency's shareholders.

"Oh, fine. Sorry, Ara, but today and tomorrow, I can't accompany you," said Ethan with a fake look of guilt.

"Ara? Wow, it's true, you are Ara," said the staff who called Ethan. He came closer to see the woman's face up close.

"Ethan! Why didn't you tell me you knew her!" said the man.

"Hyung knows Ara?" asked Ethan in surprise.

"Of course! She is a celeb glam with millions of followers! Many began to follow her when her photo went viral with the caption of the most beautiful woman at Eco University. I didn't think the original was prettier," said the man.

"Ehem, can we shake hands? Or, just take a photo together. Can we take a photo together?" the man asked, trying his luck. If Ara allows it, he could brag about it to his friends.

"Ah yes, okay," said Ara with a smile. The man then asked Ethan to take a picture of the two of them.

"Thank you, Goddess Ara, hwaiting! Saranghae!" said the man while forming a heart with his index finger and thumb.

"Oppa too, hwaiting! Saranghae!" replied Ara imitating the man.

"Tsk, you fake!" said Mi Sun quietly when she saw the scene in front of her. Ethan who heard this just shook his head.

"Then I'll go first, see you later," said Ara, then walked towards her car.

"Let's go," said the man after Ara disappeared from his sight.

"You go first, we have something to get in the car first," Mi Sun replied.

"Oh well, hurry up!" said the man who left immediately, intending to show off to the rest of the male crew his encounter with the goddess Ara.

After seeing the man leave, Ethan looked at Mi Sun and asked, "What's wrong noona?"

If Mi Sun just wants to take her cellphone, She can go alone, there's no need for both of them to take it, so Mi Sun must want to talk.

"You idiot! It's only in things like this that you become sensitive!" Mi Sun said while hitting Ethan's arm.

"Ow, it hurts! What's wrong? Why did you hit me!" asked Ethan after successfully dodging Mi Sun's hand.

"Because you are an idiot! If you don't like spending time with that bitch, just find an excuse not to see her! You would have agreed to meet tomorrow if I hadn't interrupted your conversation, right?" asked Mi Sun, wanting to confirm her intuition.

"Well… I think it wouldn't hurt to spend some time with her. After all, didn't noona ask me to meet her before?" asked Ethan.

"Yeah, that was before I knew that she was a bitch. Anyway, you have to be careful! Don't deal with her, got it? Not everyone is as good as you think, how can you be this innocent anyway? Can't see other people's true nature? You even believe that she just happened to be passing by here, right?" said Mi Sun worried about Ethan.

Ethan is silent and thinks about Mi Sun's words again, is it true that he is so innocent that he can't see that Ara is acting and has impure intentions? It doesn't look like Ara is like that.

"Looks like noona is just exaggerating, after all, I can see a person's true nature, you know!" thought Ethan as he recalled a woman. The woman who felt transparent in his eyes, he could tell that the expression the woman was wearing was fake.

But Ethan decides to keep quiet, allowing Mi Sun to continue advising him until she finally stops herself.

In that case, was Carolina's acting badly? Of course not.

What happened was that Ethan had already seen Carolina's sarcastic nature at that time and looked a little like Mi Sun, so he denied that such a woman could smile sweetly at others like Mi Sun.

But Ethan didn't realize that. He just thought he was good at reading a person's character...


Proof Reader by: Jhin#9514