Help Oppa Become the Number 1 Actor

"What do you mean?" asked Ethan who was surprised that Ara boldly asked to date him.

"Let's date with me. If oppa is worried that we will be scandalized, let's officially dating. For oppa's contract, let me take care of it," said Ara.

Ethan was silent for a moment when he heard that. What Ara said sounded reasonable, if they were officially dating, then there would be no gossip.

At most only news articles that announced they were dating.

Seeing Ethan who was just silent, Ara said, "Oppa don't want to? I can even give oppa resources and help oppa become the number 1 actor in South Korea,"

Hearing Ara's words, Ethan's face changed instantly. He did want to be a superstar but it was because of his abilities, not because there was support or insiders to help him achieve that.

He had learned from his experiences at Colors, it felt good, the schedule was full, performing here and there, but when it was discovered that insiders were supporting them, their hard work had been in vain.

People just think that their career is getting easy and no longer see their hard work.

Ethan didn't want to go through anything like that again!

"I'll think about it," Ethan answered finally. He couldn't bear to refuse Ara at this time, especially now that they were on set. It seems inappropriate to refuse Ara at this time, especially since she brought food for the crew.

"Okay, I'll let oppa think about it," said Ara with a smile.

"Thanks. Looks like everyone has got their share," said Ethan suddenly changing the subject.

"It seems like it. Then, let's eat together," said Ara then returned to the place earlier to get her food, Ethan nodded and followed Ara to lunch.

After finishing lunch, Ara decided to go home, but before that, she greeted the crew first.

"So what did that bitch say? She must have other motives for coming here," said Mi Sun who was now near Ethan when Ara had left.

"Ah, she just wants to support me, noona!" replied Ethan.

"Sigh… Ethan… Ethan…," Mi Sun sighed and then shook her head. "If that bitch just wants to support you, she can send a coffee truck or a food truck! She doesn't need to spend her time coming in person and bringing her food!" said Mi Sun.

"Maybe it's because she has plenty of time?" asked Ethan again. Makes Mi Sun sigh again.

"This kid is really, i can't even say he is stupid. He was accepted into the business department at a foreign university even though I heard the test was very difficult. Ah, stupid and innocent, there is a slight difference," Mi Sun thought.

"Then is there nothing happened?" asked Mi Sun. Her hunch was that the bitch was up to something.

"Ah, that..." Ethan then told what Ara did in front of his sunbae and Ara's offer to date her.

"So what will you do?" asked Mi Sun. Mi Sun previously will definitely try to persuade Ethan to accept the offer for the sake of Ethan's career as an actor. Even though he previously won the Best New Actor award last year, Ethan's project after that was only the drama My Wife's Man and only became a supporting actor.

It's not that there weren't any offers that came to him to be the main character, but Ha Joon only allowed him to accept this project. So if dating Ara will make his career easier, Mi Sun will definitely persuade him.

But now things are different, Mi Sun overhears their conversation and is sure that Ara and Ha Joon were deliberately trying to pressure Ethan. So she left Ethan to make his own decisions.

If Ethan really wants an easier way, Mi Sun will support him.

"I won't do it," replied Ethan making Mi Sun a little surprised but then proud of his cousin.

"Well… my career as an idol once failed because of that kind of support, so I won't make the same mistake again. After all, I still have to prove to papa and mama that I can be successful in this career. If success is because of the support of other people, isn't that a success?" Ethan continued to get his thoughts out.

"My Ethan is all grown up! Don't forget noona later when you become a superstar and play in Hollywood!" said Mi Sun, a smile etched on her lips.

"Of course I'm an adult! I'm 24 years old, noona! Noona what are you talking about, of course I won't forget noona! Noona is my manager, now and then!" said Ethan, smiling at Mi Sun.

"This kid! Then noona doesn't seem to be able to get married in the near future!"

"Noona is currently dating someone?!" asked Ethan in surprise. He is surprised Mi Sun says that she can't get married at this time, doesn't that mean Mi Sun is currently dating?

"What's with that tone of yours! Your Noona is quite popular you know! Men are crazy about me but because noona is busy and has to take care of you, noona rejects them all!" said Mi Sun with a proud tone.

"I just found out that noona is popular. Thank you, noona wants to be with me and not date," said Ethan sincerely and believed Mi Sun's words. After all, Mi Sun noona wouldn't lie to him, right?

Mi Sun was a little embarrassed that Ethan believed her but she immediately acted like she always did, "So-So you have to work hard, okay? By the way, when is your flight?" Mi Sun lowered her voice as she said the last thing.

"Tomorrow morning, I don't know what time today's filming can be finished so I told Agung to book the tickets tomorrow," Mi Sun just nodded when she heard this.


After returning from the shooting location, Ara started her car to go to her favorite beauty salon. Meeting a lot of people and bringing food makes her body tired and feel dirty, she has to do a spa so her body is not dirty anymore.

While she was busy mumbling the song she was playing in her car, suddenly an incoming call appeared. Ara who knew the person immediately picked it up.

"Yes, unnie?"

"How? Have I been able to meet him?" the woman asked impatiently.

"Patience unnie, isn't it the agreement when it's unnie's birthday? Is unnie impatient to sleep with him? Wasn't it too long ago that I gave 3 idols gifts to unnie?"

"Ah those three, I'm already bored. You can tell them not to come here again. I currently only want him,"

"Patience unnie. Unnie knows that Ethan is currently still busy because he is filming a drama. I'm working on it, anyway what the heck did unnie see in Ethan? He feels plain and boring."

"Well, then try harder! I'm just lazy to deal with new idols who are still young and want to try an actor, a new and famous actor. It just so happens that the new award-winning actor is at your agency and he looks dashing and handsome. I can't wait to see him naked in my room and do…" the person's tone sounded excited when she spoke of her fantasy

"Okay unnie!" said Ara who immediately cut off the person's conversation. She didn't want to hear her disgusting fantasies while driving a car.

"You know what will happen if you don't give the actor away, right? I won't be selling those things to you again. You don't want our good relationship to end, do you?" the woman asked again, making Ara squeeze the steering wheel tightly.

"Okay unnie! Unnie calms down. I will definitely prepare it. Is the item still there?" Ara asked trying to contain her anger.

"You maniac bitch!" cursed Ara in the heart.

"Yes, the items for this week and next week are still available. But for the next two weeks, we'll see if you manage to bring the actor in. You want to come tonight?" the man asked.

"Yes unnie, I'll be there," said Ara.

After the call was disconnected, Ara increased the speed of her car so she could get to her regular beauty salon. She needed to get a massage right away so her mind could relax again.

She had to step up her game immediately, otherwise, she could no longer consume the items that only that person was selling.