She Is Already Beautiful But You Are Still Cheating

"Why are you taking so long?! As expected, I'm a great driver! I arrived earlier than you!" said Ethan showing off.

"I'm sorry sir Ethan, I can't drive fast because there is a woman in it," replied Andi, making Ethan frown.

Carolina just stared at the two men who seemed to be showing off their driving skills, Carolina shook her head, men can be so childish.

"Let's go in," said Carolina finally before the two men could embarrass themselves.

Hearing Carolina's voice, Ethan and Andi then entered the hospital. 

The hospital looked big, after asking here and there they finally found out where the room where Yuda was being treated.

During their way of searching for the room, the people they met could not help but look at them once again because of the visuals they displayed.

Ethan, although wearing sunglasses and a hat, still looks manly in the suit he wears.

Carolina is tall and her face is beautiful.