Looks Like They're Up to Something

Carolina who was eating suddenly realized that she was being too relaxed, even though she was currently in a meeting room with people from Taiwan, she then looked at Su and Mo, but it seemed the two men didn't pay much attention to her, and were still eating their food.

Carolina then glanced at Ethan who was eating his potatoes and cabbage, but he hadn't even touched the crackers.

"You didn't eat the crackers? Don't tell me you're also allergic to crackers?!" asked Carolina with a look of horror. If that guy is also allergic to crackers, he really is unlucky!

"No, I'm not allergic to crackers, but this seems oily and has a lot of calories. You want it?" asked Ethan, watching the crackers on Carolina's plate start to dwindle.

Carolina nodded excitedly.

Crackers and peanut sauce are the best combinations!

Carolina once even cursed mixed vegetables with the peanut sauce seller who didn't prepare crackers!