
Today is Friday, as usual at 6.30 in the morning Carolina was up because she set her alarm clock at that hour, remembering her daily routine to go to the NamTech office.

But unlike other days, on Friday she had two courses that she had to take in semester 7, apart from practical work.

After recovering her drifting soul, Carolina pick up her cellphone and opened Whatsapp to inform Andi that she couldn't go to the office today, just in case the man forgot.

Carolina: "Good morning, Mr. Andi. I need to go to campus today so i can't make it into the work today, thankyou."

Carolina wrote in one sentence, then sent it.

"I think I woke up too early, today class start at 10, sigh," thought Carolina, who was still lying in bed.

Not long after, Carolina felt the vibration of the cellphone she was still holding. 

Oh, there's a message from Andi. Turns out the man was awake.

Andi: "Morning too"

Andi: "Okay"