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Wati, who had known Ethan since childhood, more or less knew what the boy was thinking.

Ethan wanted to tell his parents that his current girlfriend was pregnant while they were having dinner.

But… after all, Jia Li was her master, and unlike her husband who always seemed cold and reserved, Jia Li was typically mean and fierce, but actually kind.

And right now, Ethan just kept quiet because he was afraid of his mother, even though he hadn't actually done anything wrong.

"That's ci ... it seems like son Ethan wants to introduce a woman to ci and ko tonight, son Ethan told me to keep it a secret because he wants to tell ci and ko by himself," Wati finally answered.

Ethan looked at Wati with a grateful look for not telling the other secret, Aunty Wati is indeed the best!

The quiet and cold-looking Baek Hyeon was surprised when he heard this, especially Jia Li.

"Really Ethan? You have a girlfriend?" asked Jia Li, her tone sounding pleased.