Fallen in Love

"Why did you only come here alone?! Where's Ethan?!" asked Ha Joon, banging on the table in front of him when he saw only Mi Sun coming into his room.

"Just tell me what you want! Wasn't that nonsense article you put it out yourself?!" asked Mi Sun while looking at Ha Joon with a flat expression. She wasn't scared at all when she saw Ha Joon pounding the table in front of her.

Mi Sun  really doesn't respect Ha Joon anymore and it doesn't matter if the man yells at her.

Ha Joon looked at Mi Sun, he was a little surprised by the woman's words before finally fixing his expression again.

"What do you mean?! You're saying I made that article?! Why would I make something that could damage the image of the actors under me?" asked Ha Joon with an angry face.