Ethan's Fiance

The smile etched on Carolina's face never goes away as soon as she arrives at her apartment building. Even though she was scared earlier, now she managed to get 100 million rupiah.

Carolina is in a good mood today!

As soon as the elevator she was in arrived at her apartment floor, Carolina's smile disappeared when she saw a woman standing right in front of her apartment door.

Carolina looked at the woman suspiciously as she walked over.

The woman was white and the way she dressed was luxurious. Judging from her face, which was currently full of makeup, the woman seemed to be in her twenties.

"Excuse me… who are you looking for?" Carolina asked as the distance between her and the woman got closer.

The woman, who had been trying to knock on Carolina's door, turned her head when the woman she had seen earlier spoke to her.

"Hello," the woman answered in English, nodded, then ignored Carolina again.