Andi's Invitation

Today was Monday, as usual, Carolina was up early because she had to get over her nausea before heading to NamTech to finish her internship.

After getting ready, and having breakfast, Carolina took the GPS Mini back from her study and put it back in her shoes.

After the incident with Wang Zheng Li, Ethan's grandfather who kidnapped her at that time, Carolina actually planned to make another device to attach the recording device, but after looking around for the device in Indonesia, it turned out that it was not available.

So she had to order the tool she wanted overseas and at the moment the item was still on its way.

Feeling that everything was ready and nothing had been forgotten, Carolina finally took her cellphone and ordered an online motorcycle taxi.

By the way, because the apartment is not too far from the NamTech office, the online motorcycle taxi fare is cheaper, which makes Carolina happy, even though the fare to campus is more expensive.