Business is Business

"You are awake? Go wash your face and then come eat! Noona is making a hangover soup for you," Mi Sun asked when she saw Ethan coming out of his room.

Ethan's head still hurts. He just nodded and followed Mi Sun's words and soon came to the dining table to eat.

Ethan eats Mi Sun's soup silently because he still feels sick

"Is there a job offer for me today?" asked Ethan looking at Mi Sun while eating his soup. He feels less sick after a while.

"Why do you want to quickly get a job? You just finished filming, take a break," Mi Sun advised. who sat in front of him eating her breakfast.

"Besides, don't you need to go back to Indonesia? Aren't you still the CEO of the company there?" Mi Sun reminds Ethan.

"Ah, right, Don't forget to call me later, okay noona? If I get a job or there is an agency that wants to recruit me," said Ethan,who suddenly remembered that he was still the CEO at NamTech.

Ah, lately too many things have happened to him.