Happy Wedding Day!

Ethan bent his face and pouted his lips.

He looked annoyed at Carolina who put the small plate in front of him who was now sitting back at the dining table.

Earlier, when he carried Carolina to their bedroom. The door to the room was tightly shut and Ethan had a hard time opening it when his hand was holding Carolina.

Seeing that, Carolina, who suddenly felt afraid that Ethan would do something to her, immediately pushed the man away. Carolina's strong push made Ethan lose his balance and fall.

Carolina, who has quick reflexes, managed to stand up perfectly. He looked at Ethan whose now lying on the floor with a guilty look, while Ethan groaned in pain and glared at Carolina in annoyance!

"Let's go! We have to eat the cake!" said Carolina.

Carolina then reached out her hand to help Ethan get up. Ethan finally accepted the outstretched hand and stood up, but he still looked annoyed at Carolina.