Because You Are My Wife

"Ah, that… I haven't brought my clothes! By the way, where did you buy that bookshelf? I want a secret room like that too!" said Ethan who came this morning without his clothes, and he has not returned to his parents' house to bring clothes.

Ethan didn't see Carolina's gaze because he was too busy admiring the bookshelf that was the secret door.

It looked really cool and he wanted a secret room like that for him.

"I-I bought it at the online shop! Ju-Just wear your suit that you wore before! By the way, why are you looking for me?" ask Carolina who now turned her face away so she wouldn't stare at Ethan's sexy body again.

Carolina then walked past Ethan and walk to their living room again.

Though he still wanted to see the bookshelf, Ethan finally caught up with Carolina.