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As Ethan remembered, Maria was a strong drinking woman. Ethan had never even seen her drunk before, but this time she really did look drunk.

"Let me go! Don't touch me!" Maria said trying to free herself from Ethan's grip.

"Don't you know? She's currently in trouble!" said Jeff, who was currently using his cellphone in the mirror to see if his hair was still there or not.

"Trouble?" asked Ethan confusedly, but he was still holding Maria's arm.

"Come here! You traitor, now you want to reveal what I said earlier? Why don't you talk to the reporters as well? You @#$" cursed Maria who wanted to hit Jeff again, but suddenly fell unconscious.

Ethan, who was still holding Maria's arm, swiftly supported the woman's body and laid her down on the sofa that was there.

"What's wrong with her?" asked Ethan, turning back to Jeff after laying Maria down.