Job Offer From Elena

Ethan furrowed his brows in confusion.

Did something happen? Why did Elena contact him?

"I heard you stopped being the CEO of NamTech, is that correct?" asked Elena repeating her question earlier.

Ethan pursed his lips, it seemed his older sister got the news quickly.

"Yes," said Ethan quietly.

"You really have no intention of taking care of Wang's company either, do you?" asked Elena to confirm once more.

This afternoon, his father called her to tell her what had happened between her mother and her younger brother. Even though Baek Hyeon seems quiet and cold, the relationship between him and his children is not too bad. Jia Li's stubborn and fierce nature always made their children prefer their father. 

Hearing the information, Elena was a little anxious. Ethan is now out of NamTech, if the information was known to their grandfather, the old man would definitely approach the man to ask him to lead Wang's company.