Mother and Child


In the morning Carolina was once again having her usual nausea, but she was grateful that this time Ethan was beside her and looked at her worriedly.

"Are you sure you're okay? Don't want to go to the doctor?" asked Ethan worriedly, stroking Carolina's back.

Carolina shook her head.

"I'm fine," said Carolina, feeling that she had calmed down. "You get out there, I'm going to take a shower," Carolina continued, pushing Ethan gently.

"Shower? What for? Let's just go to sleep! It's raining after all, let's sleep under the covers while hugging!" asked Ethan with a mischievous smile.

"Sleep my foot! I'm going to NamTech! This is my last day!" said Carolina who pushed Ethan back.

In fact, last Friday was Carolina's last day to come into NamTech after counting the hours.