You Are So Cruel, Han

Ethan looked at the person in front of him with a confused look, while the person who had pressed the button on his apartment door smiled at Ethan.

"Aren't you going to invite me in, Han?"

Maria's voice made Ethan finally wake up from his shock. 

'Why is Maria here?'

Ethan then looked back, to see if Carolina had also come out of their room, but seeing that Carolina didn't come out, Ethan heaved a sigh of relief.

"What's going on, Ria? Why did you come here? Where did you get my address from?" asked Ethan confusedly, but he remained where he was and wouldn't let her in.

Maria smiled as she looked at Ethan who was surprised where she got his address from. To get Ethan's address is not easy, Maria tries hard to get Agung to tell her the address, but Agung still keeps his mouth shut.