Write Song For His Wife Instead Of His Mother!


At the Nam family residence.

Currently Baek Hyeon, Jia Li and Elena were in the dining room having breakfast. 

Elena, who came to Indonesia since Monday initially wanted to stay in a hotel, but when she came to the NamTech office at that time, her mother firmly told her to stay home, as did her father.

Made Elena couldn't help but live with her parents while her secretary, Fei Fei, stayed at the hotel.

"Hoam, I told you I don't want breakfast," said Elena who was still half asleep because her father forced her to come down and join the breakfast.

"Alright, let's go eat! Can't you see how skinny you are?" said Baek Hyeon who was surprised to see his eldest daughter who looked thin according to him.

"What are you talking about, Papa? My body is slim, not skinny, righ, mamat? asked Elena asking her mother for help.

Jia Li nodded.