I Didn't Do This For You

"Oh no, you don't have to. You don't have to do that," said Ethan, who also stood up and tried to stop Carolina.

He absolutely did not want to use his wife's money only for his own interests.

Carolina looked at Ethan who was now standing in front of her. 

Ever since they married Carolina could sense that Ethan was trying hard not to ask her for money, he always seemed hesitant and uneasy. 

Especially when Carolina asked the man to buy her a meal out, Ethan always looked hesitant and finally said he didn't have any money. This made Carolina sometimes irritated with Ethan. Did that idiot think that she, Carolina, had no money so he had to pay when they ate out?

What Ethan did actually made Carolina happy. Who is the wife who is not happy if her husband does not ask her for money?