Onde Onde

Exactly at 10 am, Carolina finally turned on the television at her house to watch the Onde-Onde show.

When she turned on the show, Carolina could see the four hosts singing and dancing, much to Carolina's astonishment.

What kind of show is this?

Carolina wanted to turn off the television as soon as she saw the audience in the studio, mostly women, also dancing to enliven the atmosphere in the studio.

Although she rarely watches television or sees the development of the entertainment world in Indonesia, Carolina knows two of the four presenters.

The one Carolina knew was named Ben. If she is not mistaken, he used to be a comedian, perhaps, Carolina is not really sure. The other is named Ayudia, or often called Ayu, she is one of the singers who first appeared a few years ago and her songs became very hits, making Carolina inevitably know her.

The other two men who hosted the show, Carolina didn't know them. Looks like they're newcomers.