This Must be Because I Married That Idiot!

Carolina blinked her eyes when the call was hung up.

"I'm sorry and goodbye. I hope you can be happy now."

Carolina snorted as the bitch's words replayed in her mind. 

'What's this? Does that mean she gave up?' thought Carolina completely clueless.

Wasn't in the movies or novels a character like Maria that was a shameless bitch who wouldn't just give up? Why is she giving up now? Not following the script as usual?

Then the words. Why did her words sound so sad even though she tried to sound casual?

If Ethan had heard those words, Carolina was sure he would have been touched and might have cried, because her words sounded so deep and touching. 

Carolina alone who heard it felt a little touched.

"Ahh… I don't like this feeling at all! Why am I so weak and kind? Aren't I usually fierce and mean, huh?" mumbled Carolina who didn't like the feeling she was feeling at the moment.