Seduced First

After arriving at the restaurant, Ethan looked around to find where his wife was because the restaurant was busy.

After a while, Ethan finally found Elena and Fei Fei sitting in the corner, and in front of them was a woman who was looking down and from behind, looking very fragile.

Ethan became worried and angry at the same time when he saw this.

Did Carolina lose the fight? Looking at Elena who was licking her hands and looking fine without any injuries, it seemed like his wife had lost!

"Lina!" called Ethan worriedly as he sat down beside Carolina.

"Are you alright? No wounds?" asked Ethan then immediately grabbed Carolina's face.

Carolina, who was looking down because she was eating, was startled when she heard Ethan's voice and the man's hand immediately grabbed her face.

Carolina almost cursed at the stupid man, luckily she could restrain herself knowing that in front of her was her sister-in-law.