Go Shopping With My Sister-In-Law

Carolina, who wanted to wait for her supervisor, decided to stay and hang out on campus first.

She, who usually would come straight back and lay down in her room and come back later, this time decided to wait until lunch time was over.

The reason she decided to do that was because she lived far away and the fare for online motorcycle taxis was expensive at lunch time!

So she refrained from doing it as a savings!

Vera, who also seemed to have some business on campus, was waiting with Carolina at their campus cafeteria.

Even though the two of them had finished eating, the two of them had no plans to leave the table even though the cafeteria was already busy due to lunch and people were having a hard time finding a table to eat.

First come first get the table!

Carolina who is currently holding her cellphone while reading manga looks back at the clock on her cellphone screen. Another 10 minutes before the lunch hour finally ended.