Love Makes People Blind

Ethan let go of Carolina's embrace forcibly when she let go of him. The hug was very warm and touched Ethan's heart, who had been thinking too much so that Ethan still wanted to be hugged by his wife longer.

Ethan looked at Carolina in bewilderment when suddenly she got up from the bed and walked over to a nearby table. Carolina then grabbed her cellphone that was on the table, typed something, before finally she got back on the bed and handed her cellphone to Ethan in a kind manner.

Well, they just made up so Carolina didn't want to spoil it by throwing her cellphone at Ethan.

Ethan's brows furrowed as he read the article he was reading on Carolina's cellphone, his face became serious as he tried to remember what happened when he met Lutfan.

Did he offend him or say something that upset him?

Ethan's pupils who had glanced to the upper left to remember the incident, returned to focus as he shook his head.