Do You Want Me To Lick It?

Ethan snorted at Carolina's accusation for blaming him this time. Ethan tried to give in this time and let his wife blame him, but this time he really couldn't.

Carolina this time is really outrageous!

"I tried to wake you up but you're already sleeping like the dead. So deeply that I couldn't bear to wake you! Look! It's wet with your drool!" said Ethan irritably. He then showed his arm which was slightly wet from Carolina's drool.

Even though he had been kind enough to let her sleep longer and not wake her up, she was scolding him again!

Earlier, when he was about to wake Carolina up, Ethan really thought Carolina looked cute and innocent in her sleep. Her eyes, which sometimes looked at him sharply, were soft, while her lips, which were usually used for cursing, when sleeping formed a smile that was like an innocent baby.