Music Show

Ethan glanced at the waiting room door with a curious look. Who came to visit him?

Mi Sun, who was sitting on the long sofa for three people, immediately stood up and opened the door.

"Nam Ethan, please get ready backstage!" said one of the men who seemed to be a crew from the Music Show.

"Ah, yes," replied Ethan with a smile.

Ethan then put the cellphone he was holding back on the table. He was eager to inquire about his song which suddenly became popular and even reached top 3 on the Music Chart.

Although Ethan was a little hopeful that this really had nothing to do with Carolina, however, Ethan seemed to know that hope would be in vain.

Ethan then quickly stood up, smiled briefly at Mi Sun who was looking at him with a proud look, before finally exiting the waiting room and heading backstage.