There Is An Agency That Wants To Recruit You!

"So, what job did I get, noona?" asked Ethan excitedly as he moved to Mi Sun who was now sitting on the 3-seater sofa.

His eyes looked excited.

Mi Sun who saw that just smiled, but when she remembered Ha Joon who had come to instigate Ethan to replace her, Mi Sun got annoyed again.

She folded her arms across her chest and looked at Ethan.

"Look at me and tell noona the truth! Was it just now that if noona wasn't around, would you consider that bastard's words?" asked Mi Sun in annoyance.

Ethan, who had been looking excited, changed his expression to think about it one more time, before finally shaking his head and smiling.

"Well… to be honest, what Ha Joon hyung said is true, but noona can rest assured. I won't let noona go, really!" said Ethan with a smile.

Mi Sun even quits her job to become his manager, Ethan who knows this of course will not betray Mi Sun like that.