Set Up An Agency

Ethan who was in the room from earlier began to think about his future. 

Hearing Ji Eun's words, haters' comments, even his co-workers who even called him to ask about his current situation, doesn't that mean what he's going through right now is really serious?

Then… What should he do?

Ethan then started thinking about Carolina, his child, and Mi Sun.

If he keeps thinking to hang in there like this and waiting for the job to come his way. Wouldn't he be a little selfish?

Mi Sun had already told him that she was fine. But what about Carolina?

Ethan didn't want his domestic life to depend on Carolina's money at all. His ego didn't want to let that happen.

After all, he is a husband. He must be responsible for his small family at this time even though his wife is really rich.

But… right now he really had no other job.

He still had one shot for variety shows, however, how long would he have to be in such an obscure situation?