Succeeded In Cooperating With NamTech!

Jia Li sighed when she saw her son and husband currently looking at her with curious eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that. Fine, I'll sign it!" said Jia Li finally.

She usually would not agree to this cooperation because the benefits are very little or even there are no benefits at all, but because her husband wants to help their child. She finally decided to follow her husband's decision.

Count it as helping their child.

Seeing Jia Li standing and going to her desk with the cooperation proposal she was holding made Ethan smile happily.

He looked at his father who played a big role in this with grateful eyes, while saying thank you silently.

Baek Hyeon who saw that just nodded.

"Here. So when will the website be online?" asked Jia Li as she handed back the cooperation proposal.