First Artist in Agency

Ethan then pressed his cellphone screen to change his cellphone camera which now uses the front camera to become the rear camera. After that, Carolina could see a glass door and behind the glass door there was a desk for the receptionist.

"This is the entrance. Looks like the last tenant of this unit also set up a company here and just left because his contract was up, so he's been doing some renovations. One of them is the reception desk, it looks like they didn't bring it," Ethan explained.

Carolina nodded when she heard that.

If the desk is still good and usable, then they will use it and save money

Ethan then comes in and shows Carolina  the unit they rent. The unit, besides having a reception desk in the reception room, also has a toilet that has been divided for men and women. Carolina saw the small room from the screen of her cellphone and nodded with satisfaction when she saw the inside which was spacious and looked good.