Radio Room (1)

"Hello everyone, I'm actor Nam Ethan, nice to meet you," said Ethan, bowing slightly and facing the camera.

Radio Room's studio is set up simply. There was a round table in the middle and several chairs were provided around the table.

This time, the studio seemed lacking as there were only five chairs, three for the hosts on the left and two for the guests. Usually, the Radio Room often invites three to four guests, but it seems that the other guest suddenly becomes unable to attend.

Apart from Ethan who was the guest this time, there was a young actor who was also invited.

After Ethan introduced himself first because he was sitting closest to the host and farthest from the camera, the other actor started to introduce himself.

"Ethan, you're still introducing yourself as an actor. I heard you recently released a single?" asked one of the hosts while reading the cue card, indicating it was a question to be asked.