There's A Show That Invites You

Ethan, who feels there is something strange with Mi Sun, wants to talk more privately. 

He then excused himself to go to Jiyong and his mother. He did not forget to pay for the food he ordered earlier.

"Uh, no need. Think of it as a treat from me," Jiyong's mother refused.

"Ey, eomonim, just accept it. The chicken is absolutely delicious! There's something urgent so I have to go first, I'll be back later!" said Ethan who insisted on slipping the money before he finally came out.

After arriving at the car, Ethan asked again what Mi Sun wanted to say.

"Has noona calmed down?" asked Ethan.

Ethan can then hear Mi Sun take a deep breath.

"Yes! Ethan, listen to this carefully! There's a show that invites you and that show is Mask Singer! You're invited to appear on Mask Singer! Ahhh!" Mi Sun screams hysterically when she tells Ethan that.