Can't Get a Seat

Friday, October 9th,

Carolina looked at the freshmen who were now being ordered to line up and were listening to their dean's welcome words before the committee and the freshmen would go to the location of the department's student orientation.

Carolina snorted inwardly when she heard the dean's encouraging words and said that it would be fine there.

"Fine my ass! Well, We'll see you later," Carolina thought and then went back to reading the manga on her cellphone.

"How is it, Carol? You invited Ethan oppa, right?" whispered Clara suddenly who had just come and sat beside Carolina.

Currently the off-duty committee members are sitting in the gazebo waiting for the others, only Riko and a few juniors who are tasked with being mentors for the freshmen are in the hall.

Carolina, who was busy reading, was surprised when she heard Clara's voice.