Make That Drink For Me!

Carolina pushed Ethan's body as he suddenly kissed her lips.

"Are you crazy? What if someone sees us?!" whispered Carolina angrily.

Ethan's lips immediately pouted when Carolina pushed him away. He can't even kiss his own wife?!

But seeing Carolina staring at him with annoyance while occasionally glancing around, Ethan finally apologized.

"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry," Ethan said with a frown.

Carolina heaved a sigh of relief that no one seemed to have seen them.

"Stop frowning. What if someone saw you pouting like this?!" said Carolina again.

Ethan sighed in exasperation. He could not kiss his wife, nor could he frown. Isn't Carolina a little too much?

"Don't you miss me?!" asked Ethan at last in a disappointed tone. 

Even though he came here early in the morning because he wanted to surprise his wife, she didn't seem happy to see him at all.

Was he the only one who missed his wife?