As A Thank You To Noona

Monday, October 12

Ethan returned to South Korea in a really bad mood. 

Yesterday during the drive home from the inn, and even after arriving home, Carolina was only sleeping because she was tired.

Ethan, who wanted to ask for Carolina's promised gift, was forced to stop seeing how tired his wife was.

He also actually wanted to delay going back to South Korea, but Carolina told him to go because he still had a lot of business there.

"Oh right, noona. Please come with me inside," said Ethan after the car that brought him had arrived at the notary's place he visited earlier.

Mi Sun looks at Ethan in confusion, before finally following Ethan inside.

Arriving inside, Ethan was reunited with the notary he had visited earlier, he then took out a folder that was in his bag and gave it to the notary when they finally sat down on a sofa.

The notary read the document Ethan handed over, and nodded.