ESC Entertainment

Carolina blinked her eyes when she heard what Ethan said about her on the tv show. Her brows furrowed, her hands clenched into fists.

What did he say?

"Lina? Hello?" 

Ethan, who didn't get an answer from Carolina, checked his cellphone again to see if the call was still connected or not. After seeing that the screen of his cellphone was still connected in a phone call, he put the cellphone back to his ear.

"Lina, you're still there, right?" asked Ethan, now worried that Carolina had said nothing. "Did something happen? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm still here," Carolina said in a cold voice. 

"Oh, thank goodness!" Ethan breathed a sigh of relief upon knowing this. "I am really, really sorry! You promised you wouldn't be angry, so don't be mad, okay?" said Ethan in a pitiful tone

Carolina took a breath to calm herself. She had promised not to be angry, but still she felt a little annoyed.