A Good Mother And Father

"Anyway, no further discussion! You are not allowed to surf the Internet for three days! Period!" Carolina said then immediately got up and went to the kitchen to get some water.

Carolina was really surprised to find out that Yui had joined Ethan's fancafe and even led the members to a fanwar, which made Carolina even more shocked when she read Yui's comments that were really rude and full of insults.

Carolina did like to speak harshly and curse at times, but she didn't want Yui to do the same. The Yui she originally knew was a sweet and kind girl, she really didn't want Yui to be like that.

She had planned to reset Yui back to the original settings, but she regretted the data Yui had gathered so she had gotten to this point.

Yui had almost become a human, especially when it was Yui who replied to her words when she issued a punishment. Normally, Yui would have accepted it right away.