FA's Identity Is Woman

Devi sat back down with goosebumps as the thought crossed her mind. She used to be really curious at first who was the person who helped Ethan when Ara framed him. 

That person's ability to find information is really great and how that person spreads the information, but at first Devi just thought that maybe among Ethan's fans there are hackers like her too, so she didn't really think about who that person was, there are still people out there with great hacking skills.

However, Devi had forgotten about it because it had been going on for a long time. If she thought about it one more time, something was strange when Ethan's fancafe was hacked and no fans helped him to reclaim that access.

If the person who helped Ethan at that time was not a fan of Ethan like herself, then why did that person help Ethan? That person couldn't have just done it because that person just got bored, right?