I'd Rather Leave Than Be Left Behind!

"Widow my ass! Why do you always pray for me to be a widow?!" said Carolina irritably and slapped her husband's arm again.

Come to think of it, this is the second time that  idiot told her she was a widow. Couldn't that idiot say something more positive?

"Well... you know it's dangerous when you're driving while you are sleepy," said Ethan, yawning again. "Let's just buy it tomorrow, okay?" he persuaded again.

Carolina shook her head, she didn't hold back on her decision, "I want it now!"

Ethan took a deep breath before finally deciding to get up and walk to the bathroom to wash his face.

After a while, Ethan finally came out of the bathroom looking fresher than before, even so, his face still showed that he was exhausted.

His brow furrowed when he didn't find his wife on the bed.

"Where did that fierce woman go?" thought Ethan a little annoyed. Of course he said that to himself for fear that Carolina would find out what he was saying.