Not In The script

The car brought by Mi Sun finally arrived at the location where Ethan would do a screen test.

Ethan who previously looked relaxed, now suddenly started to get a little nervous when he looked outside, they had arrived.

"Don't be nervous, Ethan! You can do it! You've come this far!" Ethan said to calm himself down.

He was finally able to persuade his wife to invite his mother-in-law to come to Jakarta. Wouldn't it be very annoying after what he was trying to do, he failed the screen test instead?

The director of the film indeed came personally to him, but when she said he had to do a screen test, it meant that the job could not be handed over to him immediately.

He had to prove himself first to get the job.

"Are you alright?" Mi Sun asked with a worried face when she saw the worried expression on Ethan's face.

Ethan turned to Mi Sun.