Overprotective Father

"Hey, stop looking at it. Are you that happy?" Carolina asked when she saw her husband sitting there staring incessantly at the ultrasound photo of the baby his husband had asked for again.

"I… I'm really happy Lina, our Baby is a girl! I will be the father of a daughter!" said Ethan looking at Carolina with a big smile even though his voice was shaking slightly and his eyes were starting to water.

Carolina, who was sitting on the floor, climbed onto the sofa next to her husband.

"Does that mean you don't like boys? I didn't know you were like that," Carolina said, stroking Ethan's arm to comfort her husband who might be crying soon.

Ethan shook his head. 

"No, I think it's the same whether it's a boy or a girl, but I prefer girl. She will definitely look really cute and pretty!" said Ethan who kept smiling and then stroked Carolina's stomach.

"Papa's really happy and can't wait to see you, Baby," Ethan said softly.