The Shooting Could Be This Year, Next Year, or Never

"So what do you mean the shoot was cancelled?" asked Ethan looking at the two people sitting in front of him. After hearing the news, he immediately went to the place where he did the screen test because it turned out that Ruby was there.

Producer Lee who was sitting beside Ethan sighed.

"You probably already know that Jong Ki's position has actually been determined by the sponsor, that's the reason I was rude to you earlier, I'm sorry," said the man apologetically.

"Knowing that we had already used someone else for Jong Ki's position, the sponsor did not accept it. I've tried hard to persuade him and even show the footage when you screen test, but they really don't want to and withdrew their sponsorship," the man continued with a sigh.

"They are our main sponsor. So when they pulled it off we really had nothing, I'm sorry."