The Victim Here Is Me, Not Nam Ethan

"Tae Hyun, are you sure you really want to do this?" asked a man looking at the man sitting next to him who was currently wearing a really annoyed expression.

"Of course! Quickly tell that to the reporter!" said the man named Tae Hyun who had now clenched his fists.

"But… what if Nam Ethan's fans attack you? You yourself know what happened to Dohyun, right? He apologized publicly and closed his social media accounts! Are you sure you're ready to do the same?" asked the man who was Tae Hyun's manager.

After what Dohyun did on Radio Room, it really became hot news for a few days because Ethan's fans attacked him. Other people also started to follow suit because they judged Dohyun's attitude should not be like that.

Dohyun's agency finally did the press and asked Dohyun to publicly apologize for his wrong attitude, he also apologized to Ethan.