I'll Pay You 200 Billion Dollars!

"Baby? You're still there, right?" asked Ethan again because Carolina was silent. He knew that his wife was obviously still there and hearing him because the call was still on, but Ethan wanted to urge his wife.

He didn't know what was going on, but it was definitely important to his wife.

Daniel looked at Ethan who had now moved to sit beside him. There was something different about that man. Is he fighting with his wife? But why did he show their bickering in front of him?

"Is it because of me?" thought Daniel. He didn't know how Ethan was when he was in a relationship, but he didn't expect that Ethan would actually be jealous of him.

But he didn't like this current situation at all. If Ethan wanted to have a fight with his wife, shouldn't they have done it when they were alone and didn't involve him?

"I'm really sorry, Ethan, but can you leave?" 

Ethan was shocked when he heard that. Did Daniel just kick him out?

"Daniel, I…"