Offer From FA

Carolina shook her head as the thought crossed her mind. She was indeed tempted to do something like that. Instead of searching aimlessly, what if she made those who came look for her?

Isn't that a better and faster idea?

Yes, if she is not married and is not in this condition.

What if her father doesn't come and something happens to the baby? 

The old her would have done something like that, but right now there was another life residing within her. She could feel the heartbeat of that other life, how it was growing every day, and recently she had felt the kick of that other life a few times.

How could she take a risk that could harm her baby?

Not to mention there's the idiot who doesn't seem able to do anything without her.

Carolina sighed softly and began to think of the word if.

If she hadn't married Ethan…

If she hadn't been an intern  at NamTech…

If only she hadn't been to Bali with her friends…