The Hug Was Warm And Familiar.

On the way to the military headquarters, the atmosphere in the car was completely silent. Both Andrew and Ethan didn't speak to each other at all.

In the silence, Andrew occasionally glanced at Ethan. To be honest, he was still afraid of the man. What if Ethan suddenly did something bad to him? He really regretted not having asked Clara to come with them.

On the other hand, Ethan didn't really notice Andrew who was still scared of him. To be precise, he didn't care at all. At this moment his thoughts were lost on how he would meet Carolina in the future.

He really still didn't know what was really going on. Ethan was feeling all sorts of emotions right now, he was confused, worried, and annoyed that Carolina had not told him yet again.

To be honest, Ethan was currently at a loss as to how he should meet Carolina.

After a few minutes of driving, Andrew's car finally arrived at their destination.