Papa’s Taste For Women Goes Bad

Ethan opened his eyes wide as his cellphone screen wrote those words. 

Yui? Yui sent him a message? 

"Yui" Ethan called softly while tilting his head up, waiting for Yui's answer. 

There is a hidden camera in their bedroom. But still it was turned off when he and Carolina were doing their "activity" in the bedroom, they would turn it back on when they weren't in the bedroom or sleeping.

Actually, Ethan didn't think it was necessary at first because the bedroom was something of a privacy, but Carolina forced him in case a burglar broke into their bedroom, or a stranger walked in. It was indeed too much, but it was better to be on guard.

Ethan stared at the CCTV camera without blinking, hoping that Yui might answer it soon. His longing for Yui was not as big as the longing he felt for his wife, but still he missed his daughter.