See How Mama's Case Is Progressing

"Mr. Ethan? Are you all right?" Reno asked when he saw Ethan's condition behind the door who looked very pale and weak. When he heard Ethan's voice on the phone, Reno was aware that Ethan was currently sick, but he didn't expect that Ethan would be like that.

"I'm fine, where is it?" asked Ethan who was standing right behind the door and thrusting his hand out, not wanting to invite Reno to come inside.

"Doesn't Mr. Ethan want to go to the hospital first? I can take you…"

Reno then tried to look behind the door.

"Is Mrs. Carolina inside?" Reno asked suspiciously. Seeing Ethan who looked like this but hadn't been to the hospital it was certain that Carolina wasn't with him or something bad had happened.

"I'm fine Mr. Reno, my wife is currently resting. Just give me the laptop and the food!" said Ethan who was starting to look annoyed.